Explore the world of nature photography with our complete list of nature photo contests. One of the best ways to show the world not only your ability as a photographer, but to share images of some of the most breathtaking places on the planet. Here you can find some of the best nature photo competitions. These nature photography awards will not only allow you to win important prizes, but will also expand the reach of your photographs.
Next nature photo contest
Budapest International Foto Awards 2024 (BIFA)
List of nature photography contests
Here you can find the upcoming nature photography contests listed on our website. We have selected some of the nature photo awards online, organized by their closing dates, so you won’t miss any opportunity. Choose your next nature photo competition, participate and get ready to stand out with your stunning nature images.
If you know of a nature contest that is not on our list, send it to us and we will add it!
September 2024
October 2024
November 2024
December 2024
January 2025
May 2025
Why enter in a nature photo competition?
Nature photography challenges are one of the most common and broad topics in photography. Not only are there a lot of contests dedicated to this subject, but it is rarely not included in the more generalist awards. Because it is such a broad subject, many nature photography contests may include different categories. This can lead to more chances of winning an award that highlights your work.
Also, most of these are nature photo contests with cash prizes (large cash prizes in some cases) which makes them very interesting. But maybe your interests are closer to nature care, a theme to which many of these nature photo awards are dedicated.
Maybe you are simply passionate about this type of photography and are eager to share it with the world, which is understandable. The winners of nature photography competitions are usually very well received in the media and, in some cases, the results are published around the globe. Although there are also many of these contests that organize impressive exhibitions with the winning photographs.
If you think this is not enough, there are more reasons to participate in one (or many) of the multiple nature photo challenges that you can find in our list of nature photography contests.
How to Prepare for a Nature Photography Competition
Preparing for a nature photography competition can take time and dedication. Here are some steps to make sure your photographs stand out:
Know the Contest: Before submitting your images, research the nature photography contest you plan to enter. Understand its requirements and specific themes. We recommend that you enjoy and study the photographs that have stood out in previous years to understand the judges’ criteria.
Select your Best Works: Review your portfolio and choose the photographs that best represent the theme of the contest. Or, if necessary, prepare your equipment and set out to take your best nature photographs. Make sure each image is well edited and meets the specifications of the nature photography submissions. A good photograph that doesn’t meet them, no matter how good it is, will be worthless.
Pay Attention to Details: In a nature photo challenge, details matter. Make sure your images are high resolution and free of distractions or unnecessary elements. As a general rule, you will want to avoid watermarks and other extraneous elements.
The picture counts something, you too: You already have your picture ready, but let us give you a recommendation. Many photo contests will give you space to add some details about it, use it. Tell as much as you can about your image, give details and add value to each photo you submit.
Submit on time: Respect the deadlines of nature photography submissions so you don’t miss the opportunity to participate in the contest. You may be able to change your photos or submit more later, but once the contest is over, no nature picture contest will allow you to do so. Send your captures as soon as possible and don’t regret it.
The ethics of nature photo awards
Respect for the environment
One of the minimums that any code of ethics usually includes in a nature photo contest is: do not damage your environment when taking your photographs. This means things like not uprooting plants or altering the natural scene to get a “better” shot. These types of contests place a high value on authenticity and finding out that you altered a landscape to photograph it will not please them.
Leave No Trace
The principle of “Leave No Trace” is vital for nature photographers. This means leaving the place you photographed as you found it, or even in better condition. Picking up litter, not leaving equipment behind and not disturbing the local flora are ways to ensure that you are making a positive contribution to the environment.
Consider the impact of your presence
Being aware of how your photographic activity may affect the area you are in is key. Be careful with the most fragile elements around you, don’t get too close to where you shouldn’t and try not to intrude on the lives of animals that may live there. Yes, it may make your shot more uncomfortable, but it can also help you be a better photographer.
Photography as an agent for conservation
The role of ethics in nature photography awards
How to find a nature photography competition
Finding the best nature photo competitions is not complicated, however, there are so many of them and keeping track of dates can be a hassle. If you are looking for an online nature photography contest for submit nature photography, Deartline is probably the best method.
In this section we list nature photo challenges so you don’t have to keep looking and checking when they close their entries. If you want to keep up to date with the best photography contests, you can also subscribe to our newsletter.