Global Peace Photo Award 2024 Winners: Celebrating Images That Inspire Peace

The Global Peace Photo Award 2024 has once again illuminated the power of photography to capture the essence of peace in our complex world. This year’s competition, drawing over 21,000 entries from 112 countries, showcased an impressive array of visual narratives that explore peace in its many forms.

Elisa L. Iannacone, Peace Image of the Year 2024

Elisa L. Iannacone claimed the prestigious Peace Image of the Year with her poignant work, “Dreams of Childhood.” This captivating photograph, set in South Africa’s Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital, transforms sterile hospital beds into vibrant wonderlands. Iannacone’s image not only highlights the resilience of young patients but also underscores the healing power of imagination. With a career spanning 75 countries and a focus on trauma recovery through art, Iannacone’s Global Peace Photo Award 2024 winning image epitomizes her commitment to finding light in the darkest of places.

Elisa Iannacone, Great Britain / Mexico

Elisa Iannacone studied in Toronto and London, worked as a photo reporter in Jordan and Iraq, in Egypt and other African countries. She has travelled in 75 countries, created large exhibitions and participated in festivals.

Other Winners of the Global Peace Photo Awards 2024

Alongside Iannacone, the award shone a spotlight on other photographers who brought unique perspectives to the Global Peace Photo Award 2024:

Danila Tkachenko, Β Winner Alfred Fried Peace Medal 2024

Danila Tkachenko, a Russian-Italian artist, caught the judges’ eyes with his series “Inversion.” Tkachenko’s work is a stark wake-up call, placing familiar European landmarks next to scenes of destruction in Ukraine. Picture the Eiffel Tower or Big Ben, then imagine them side-by-side with bombed-out buildings. It’s a gut punch that brings the reality of war home to those who might otherwise feel distant from it. Tkachenko isn’t just showing us pretty pictures – he’s forcing us to face uncomfortable truths about peace and conflict in our world today.

Maryam Saeedpoor, Β Winner Alfred Fried Peace Medal 2024

Iranian photographer Maryam Saeedpoor grabbed attention with her series “Women, Life, Freedom”. Saeedpoor dives into the ongoing fight for women’s rights in Iran, using the hijab in ways that might surprise you. In her photos, this piece of cloth becomes more than just a head covering – it’s a symbol of defiance and strength. Saeedpoor shows us Iranian women turning an object often associated with oppression into a battle flag of sorts. Her images are a powerful mix of tradition and rebellion, capturing the spirit of women who refuse to be silenced.

These Global Peace Photo Award 2024 winning photographers don’t just take pretty pictures. They’re using their cameras like megaphones, shouting about issues that matter. Their work reminds us that photography can be a powerful tool for change, making us think twice about the world we live in and the peace we often take for granted.

Winner of the Global Peace Photo Award 2024 Single Images Category

Antonio Aragon Renuncio - The Dancer - Winner of the Global Peace Photo Award 2024 Single Images Category
Antonio Aragon Renuncio - The Dancer - Winner of the Global Peace Photo Award 2024 Single Images Category

In the Global Peace Photo Award 2024 Single Images Category, Antonio AragΓ³n Renuncio from Spain was awarded for β€œThe Dancer,” a photograph capturing a moment of happiness and hope at the Don Orione Center in CΓ΄te d’Ivoire. His image shows eight-year-old Ivan, who is awaiting a life-changing orthosis to improve his mobility. Renuncio’s work has long focused on telling stories of medical care in underserved regions, and this photograph captures the intersection of physical and emotional healing.

The Children’s Peace Image of the Year 2024

In the Global Peace Photo Award 2024 Children’s Category, 15-year-old Daria Heß from Germany won for her photograph titled β€œHappiness.” This image reflects Daria’s personal interpretation of peace as the ability to find joy and self-determination in life, despite challenges. Her photograph, simple yet profound, encapsulates the true essence of peace from a youth’s perspective.

The Significance of the Global Peace Photo Award

Since its inception, the Global Peace Photo Award has served as a global platform for photographers to explore, document, and reflect on peace and conflict in creative ways. The competition encourages photographers to push boundaries and bring fresh perspectives on themes such as war, social justice, and human rights. This year, with 21,220 submissions from 112 countries, the competition has further cemented its position as a leading space for visual storytellers.

For photographers who are inspired by the Global Peace Photo Awards and wish to participate in similar contests, check out our list of photography contests for opportunities around the world.

This competition, organized in collaboration with partners such as UNICEF Austria and the Vienna Insurance Group, continues to remind us that peace is not merely the absence of war but the ability to live and thrive in harmony.

You can enjoy all the winning photographs of this Global Peace Photo Award 2024, as well as the complete Shortlist in the Global Peace Photo Award galleries on their website:

